Sabtu, 10 Januari 2009

the reality of the real


baru ajah selesai nonton liputan di salah satu tipi swasta. Liputannya mengenai TARI EROTIS BOCAH INGUSAN..Well, keep hold on a second before thinking about anything.hehehe...

Usia : 15-17th
Profesi : Pelajar (merangkap penari liar)
Tejaring: langsung, dibawa teman
Hasil : gede banget (dari 700rb-5jt/mlm)

Itu tadi sekelumit ringkasan liputan yang gue liat di tipi.

Dan ini menggelitik gue dengan pertanyaan, apakah di propinsi gue tinggal ini bagaimana yah? Then, i let my fingers go to search on Google. Voala....lots of articles about sex under the age in this province. is not illegal anymore, means their parents allow it. WOOOOOO, and some article said this province is the highest about prostitue under the age.

Well, i heard a bit about that though. That girls here are "cheap" to pay. Sad, yeah but it is real!! One day i had little chat with new friend from other country. And he asked me if he can get a girl from my city, cause girls here are famous and cheap he said.

Oh my, he just didnt know with whom he was talking with.

But the higlight of my converstion with him was...thats in the bold.How come he could say like that time, i was sad. but that's real real in life.

One young girl said on tv, that is not about money but she is getting addicted. Means addicted to the sex and the money, easy to get and lots of money. Oh my,

If the addicted is already become the reason, speechless!!

Rite, i still dont know what the solution is...but i know, the world that i live in now is getting crazy. Trying not to be comfort with my life and with me-myself and i....!!! But be real with the reality of real life.

"life is about preparing or repairing..which one do you choose?"

Sabtu, 03 Januari 2009

free choice, new year's

Finally, i decided to go back home for New Year's. Took a nite train and got saved in Jakarta at 8pm...Wooo, people already did in outside for celebrating New Year's!! Cool..

Why i decided to go back home? Because as tradition, we spend time before the year passed by til come to the new year for sharing about all things. Geezz, i (especially)` ve been in family gather for 26 times.Hahaahahha, you know what i mean rite :)..and thats why i decided to go back home.

But quiet interesting this year, i can say it is not a tradition anymore i think. Before 12 o'clock, just only dad-me-and my brother. Just the three of us, where are mom and sister? that's why i said this is not a tradition anymore...

Yeah, so different this time and i said to myself...i wanna something different. I thought, it would be same like a year ago.What a boring..hahahah...but it was not


thats a word for it

and it happens in my family now. WOW, this is gonna be cool year! Since the beginning, there is a rule in my family that everyone in the house has free choices but should be responsibility to its. No pressures..thats what mom and dad taught us. So, when mom and sista didnt join with us for gathering..yeah, i just said to my dad that it is free choice rite. And i said to him that everyone is getting mature in his/her personality-character-and mind. And everyone is unique and different, i am not same like my sista and vice versa..For me, i decided to go back home and gather with my dad, because i know a moment like family gathering wont be forever. And i know, i wont be forever stay at home. One day, i dont wanna live at home...Not because i dont wanna be with my parents, but i need to go catching my dreams rite. So, based on that...i believe for everything there will be a time.And when there is still time for me to spend with my family, i wanna do it.

i dont wanna have any regretion in the future

i love differences...i love not in the same page...cause everyone has their own story and life, even we are in the family..even we are siblings..even they are my parents.

" you have so many relationship in this life, only one or two will last. So hold on the ones you really care because in the end they'll be the only ones there"